2.1 Novas tokens
7. 項目背景
Nova Network擁有一支國際化的團隊,核心成員來自美國、英國、日本、韓國和新加坡。創始成員都是科技和投資行業的成功企業家。
Alex Casin(英國/法國)
Alex Casin 創立了 Nendo Labs,一家顧問和風險投資公司。他還是 The Brandtech Group 的共同創始人,The Brandtech Group 是一家行銷技術集團,利用最新技術幫助品牌改善其行銷策略。The Brandtech Group 總共籌集了 6.1 億美元的資金。
Kevin Lai(新加坡)
Kevin Lai是L2 Capital的聯合創始人,該公司是一家全球多策略資產管理公司,擁有一支獨特的團隊,涵蓋第三代互聯網/第二代互聯網企業建設者、公共和私營市場投資者方面具有開創性的先鋒人物。Kevin Lai在主要和次級市場投資方面擁有豐富的經驗,並且具有資本配置和價值創造的歷史。
Matthew Peltier(美國)
Matthew Peltier於2019年創立了community.com,這是一個SMS行銷平台,通過獨特的10位電話號碼,將企業、品牌、政治和公眾人物、創作者、音樂人、名人等與他們的觀眾規模化地連接起來。Community.com已經籌集了超過6500萬美元的資金。
Ryan Cheung(香港)
Ryan Cheung 是 MintingLabs 的聯合創始人。MintingLabs 的願景是創造下一個Web3 獨角獸。他們發起、孵化和投資Web3。Ryan已經投資和聯合創辦了許多成功的科技公司。
Alex Casin (UK/France)
Alex Casin founded Nendo Labs, an advisory and venture investment firm. He is also a co-founder of The Brandtech Group, a marketing technology group that helps brands improve their marketing using the latest technology. The Brandtech Group has raised a total of $610,000,000 in funding.
Kevin Lai (Singapore)
Kevin Lai is a co-founder of L2 Capital, a global multi-strategy asset manager with a unique team of pioneers across Web3/Web2 enterprise builders, and public and private market investors with a history of capital deployment and value creation. Kevin Lai has extensive experience in primary and secondary market investments.
Matthew Peltier (US)
Matthew Peltier founded community.com in 2019, which is an SMS marketing platform that connects businesses, brands, political and public figures, creators, musicians, celebrities, and more, to their audiences at scale through a unique 10-digit phone number. Community.com has raised over $65,000,000 in funding.
Ryan Cheung (Hong Kong)
Ryan Cheung is the co-founder of MintingLabs. MintingLabs’ vision is to mint the next unicorn Web3. We originate, incubate ,and invest in Web3. Ryan has invested in and co-founded numerous successful tech companies.
White Paper
V1.0 15 July 2022
版本 0.6 2023 年 5 月